Virtual Health Scan
Sign up for a Zyto Insights health scan
Want to make sure you’re targeting the right things for your body? Get a zyto insights scan - and rescan every 30 days. This is how we plan my family’s Loyalty Rewards orders from Young Living!

Please fill out the form linked below. Within 48 hours you will get an email from Zyto. It may go to spam or promo folder, so please search "Zyto" in your inbox. If you don't get your link within 48 hours, please message me directly. 

Once you set up your account - you will be prompted to answer some questions, and then you will need to speak for 10 seconds and record. It doesn't matter so much what you say.  Example - "My name is Erin. I am an avid gardener, and I am looking forward to my scan to address sleep, hormones, and overall wellness."  Or you could just count to 10 slowly!

Zyto Insights
Tips for understanding your Zyto Insights scan results!
Zyto Insights Pro uses a web-based application and biometric feedback to create a personalized wellness approach. While not intended to be diagnostic, often the oils & supplements recommended will give you a clear direction on where to go next with your health. I'm often surprised by the products I think I might need... then I'll do a scan and either see those ideas confirmed or I'll see something else pop up (often in system needs) that I realize is an underlying issue I should address first. 

I want to make sure you fully understand your scan, so I've created this page to help you get the most out of your results. If you're curious about the science of how the Zyto Insights Scan works, check this link for more information and explanations of the biometric data & analysis.

Also please realize... Your screen will may seem slightly different than the ones in these screenshots because Zyto performs updates to make it easier to read your results. While I may not update this page often, the information is the same even if the visuals are slightly different.
Watch this 5 minute video for a full review of how to read your Zyto Insights scan. You can also keep reading for more info! 

The most common question I receive from people who scan is “How do I interpret my results?” I'm going to make it super simple for you. 

When your scan is complete, you'll get a "score" somewhere between 1 and 100. Homeostasis (body balance) is 100. Don't freak out about your number, we're not focused on how "off" it is, but rather on how to get it back up to the 100.

You'll see a triangle that reads Emotional, Functional, and Energetic in the triangle sides. All 3 of these are color coded. Notice that each side of the triangle also has a score (1-100). 

Looking below the triangle, you'll see “Products” which also have a score and they’re color coded (in line with the three parts of the triangle). To determine where your body may need the product, look at the color coded scores. This will give you some idea of which part of the triangle will be affected the most by this product. 

Tip: if an oil like Spearmint Vitality is listed, it is recommended you take Spearmint internally, otherwise, Spearmint would be applied topically. Of course, it's up to you how you choose to use and apply the oils. Just know that if a Vitality shows up, it's suggested to take internally. 

Okay let's look at the list of products recommended. 

You can click on each product and it will expand to give you some information about what it is (this is helpful if you don't recognize an oil or supplement or you're not sure how to use it!).

  • If you check the grey box (to the right) of each item, it will adjust your baseline score, showing you how much closer you can get to homeostasis by using this product. 
  • I typically have my scans set up to show the top 10 products for a client. Beyond that I feel it can get a little confusing. Sometimes focusing on the top 5 products is the most helpful thing here, but we will dive into a Systems analysis first. 
Below the Product section you may also notice a Services section. These healthy, therapeutic services are pulled from a library of over 250+ services. The services on your scan are customized for you. Again, click on each one for a brief explanation of what they are. I like to use these services to help me with my wellness plan. You may have to do further research to know what the services do therapeutically and also locate someone in your area to perform these services. This can be a very valuable & informative part of the information provided in the Insights scan. 

SYSTEMS REPORT // Before I make any decisions about products to use or purchase, I like to dig into this Systems Report (click this at the very top of the screen, above your triangle).

Each system has a bar and just as with the overall score, the desire is to be "full" at 100. Generally, a scan of this screen and identifying the systems showing "low" can give some direction to the root of the current issue.

Click on a system and notice the sub-headers under each system: Products, Description, & System Stressors. You'll see a (slightly different) list of products here because these are chosen specifically for the system. The System Stressors are either things currently causing an issue with your system OR something your body would not handle well right now if exposed to it (ex: some people see sodas or antibiotics on this list when they don't currently have exposure).

Checking the grey boxes under these systems OR on the main screen will adjust the system bar and add a blue section to it so you can see when the individual systems are "full" at 100. For example, I clicked 4 different items from my original Adaptability Report and it's made a huge impact on these systems. My overall score has gone from 62 to 97 with these few items - and I specifically selected some I already have on hand so I can begin using them right away!

You can also see any  items I've checked are being stored in the clipboard in the upper right of the image, so I don't need to take notes or try to remember if I need to shop for them!
Here's a look at that shopping list!

Click on the "ORDER PRODUCTS" button at the bottom to be directed to the Young Living website to shop. It won't pre-populate your cart with these items, so you will need to do some searching - but my guess is you may even find some other awesome products to add to your list. (If you're a current Young Living customer you can log in before checking out!)

A tip on checking out:
If you're placing your first Young Living order or do not currently have access to the wholesale (24% off) pricing, make sure your cart fills up with 100pv (point value) of products and this will unlock the discount for the next 12 months. 

Some of my favorite all-time items (that may or may not have shown up in your scans) are the Thieves Household Cleaner, Bloom Anti-Aging Skincare Line (the new Bloom Cream is divine!!), Deep Relief Roller for aches & muscles, MultiGreens Supplement, Life 9 Probiotic... oh goodness I could come up with a list of a hundred recommendations!! 
I hope that you’ve discovered some incredible information on what you need to do now to improve your overall wellness. If you’re not a current Young Living customer, please let me know so I can help you get that set up. Young Living is always offering bonuses and free products. Let me show you how to customize your first order so you get the most out of your investment. 

I love referrals! If you have someone that would benefit from having a scan like this, please send them my way. I will help them with their scan and when they get their Young Living account set up, you can be their referring Brand Partner. (You’ll need to upgrade your Customer account to Brand Partner to earn commissions).

Let me know what your scan revealed to you and how you plan to incorporate the recommendations in your wellness plan. If you have any questions, please reach out via email at I look forward to hearing from you. 

Erin Rodgers, CNHP
Young Living Royal Crown Diamond
Brand Partner #1617715


Copyright Erin Miles