Where Are We Going?
Okay so let's do this thing already!!! 

If you've looked over the Resources page already, you're likely ready to get going. Maybe you've found a graphic and you can't wait to spring it on your social media page or text it to ten friends. WOAH. Hold on.

I want to help set you in the right direction before you start sharing graphics and posts just yet.

As you go to share about oils and wellness and business and alllllll the things... I want you to have a very clear reason as to WHY.

Spoiler alert: Your reason is not to make money.

Your reason might be to help others understand that ousting toxins from their home will benefit them in every way. Your reason might be to shed light on the fact that there IS another way to live and care for their bodies.

Your reason might be “Because I’m so country that my parents literally never took me to the doctor so I literally never take my kids. This really seems to fit in with that. We don’t even own bandaids and if we do, it’s cause my husband bought them. This is a great way to have ways to keep myself and my kids out of the doc shop.” 😉

The same goes for pursuing this business!

If you don’t KNOW your Why, or if you forget it along the way.. that’s when things won’t be nearly as fulfilling.

But when you DO know it, and you chase after it with everything inside of you. THAT is when the magic happens!
For me…

I do this business because leadership is one of my top values (more on that later). Because I have a huge desire to show every member of my team how valuable, capable, and loved they are. Because I want to be a part of helping people find financial freedom so that nothing holds them back from the dreams God has set on their heart! Because empowering other mamas… that seriously makes me HAPPY and I love it. You. Can. Do. Great. Things. Do you know that? I love the chance to encourage people through whatever they are going through… lots of reasons.

And also for my family. Because I want us to live debt-free. I want to be available for my friends and family at the drop of a hat. I want to see the world and see it with my favorite people. I want my husband and I BOTH to be present and active parents (which was a big WOAH when he quit his corporate job back in February 2016! Yay!). I want to support missionaries. I want to give with reckless faith! … lots of reasons.

Why do YOU do it?

Write it down. Share it with your team. Let them be a friend… “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you forget the words.”

Your Why brings PURPOSE to What you do. Dream big!
The last thing I want you to do is watch this 3 minute video. A WHY changes everything… did you know that? Watch how...

Whewww.... you see it?? Your WHY is going to change what you're doing. I can give you some rote tools for "go work through this checklist." or "post these seven things to your social media page"... but if you don't know why you're doing it, it's not going to have the power it could have.
Here are some ways to find your why
  • what worries you? 
  • what is one of the first things you think of when you wake up in the morning? 
  • what keeps you awake at night? 
  • what makes your heart feel like it’s going to explode with love at the sight of it? Or thought of it? 
  • what makes you feel like “if only I could do ___________”
  • what would you do with a $500 a month paycheck? What would you do with a $1500 paycheck? What would you do with a $10,000 paycheck? What would you do with a $30,000 paycheck? What about $130,000 paycheck? (I KNOW IT SEEMS BANANAS, but dream that big crazy dream. Just do it.)

In this business we are big dreamers and we like to help you build your dreams too. So let's take a second to dream. And let me tell you, if your dreams aren’t scaring the crap out of you, they aren’t big enough. 

What dreams are in your heart? Do you have a heart to adopt? Do you want to start an animal rescue? Do you dream of being debt free? Do you have a heart for children in foster care? Do you have a dream to have your own children? Do you want to help kids go through college by investing into their education? Do you want to help your church and give them the ability to invest into a building? Do you want to thank your mama and dad by taking them on a vacation somewhere as a family? How about setting them up for retirement? And yourself. And your kids. And your kids kids kids kids.

What dreams are deep deep down that you thought were that….just dreams? We want to PULL them out of you because you are given those dreams for a reason. Just think for a minute if you really got to be a part of those big dreams? 

What if you had the ability to adopt? 
Think about the lives of the children you would change.
What if you saw a need, and were able to meet it. Without barely a glimpse at your bank account. 
What if you had the ability to buy a building for your church to meet in?
Think about the lives that would change.
What if you helped kids pay their college tuition?

Think about all of the lives that would change.

The bigger that you can dream, the bigger that your business can become...not for just your benefit or your family’s benefit but for people that you might not even know yet.

Within this team we have seen leaders:

  • Pay for loved one’s surgeries that they otherwise couldn’t afford.
  • Afford IVF
  • Adopt children into their family
  • give MORE in one month than they used to give in an entire year to causes that make their hearts sing 
  • Pay for their daughter’s dance class.
  • Pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.
  • Come out from the crushing stress of finances.
  • Give their husbands the ability to quit their jobs.
  • Moms have quit their jobs to be home with their kids.
  • Help contribute to the cost of bills monthly.
  • Have the ability to shop at the grocery store of their choice.
  • Have the ability to provide food and care for their kids with special needs.
  • ...And more.
What big dreams do you have deep down?
Be willing to take some time and truly ask yourself. 
Your why is the thing that will keep you going and will make your life a happier one. Find it & never let it go. 

Watch this talk on residual income and why it’s something to run through a brick wall towards!!! Ryan Hase (former accountant) and Diamond leader Marlo’s hubby breaks it down for us. 
Password: modernandwell
Think about the questions above & define your WHY!
your turn
Your “why” for doing this business is critical. Your “why” is something you are connected to on an emotional level and it will carry you through the ups and downs that you encounter along the way. To develop your why, begin asking yourself some questions. In what way will having success with your business change your life? What value will it add to you and your family? Perhaps you’ve had some amazing personal health experiences and you want to share that with others and help them take responsibility for their health too! Maybe you have financial needs, and Young Living is going to provide your extra income for paying off debt and you’d like to help others find financial freedom too! Your “why” might include anything from covering your family’s wellness product purchases each month, expanding your family’s grocery budget for more organic food, sending a child to private school or homeschool, traveling, helping your children get through college, etc. You may have a passion for helping people and your “why” includes reaching hurting people. Most likely, your why will change as you go because you will continue to grow as a person, and your dreams and goals will develop! Let’s begin by listing the specific reasons you want to do this as a business below (keep a notebook going for all this goodness, friend!).
My Why:
Now that you have your “why” nailed down, it’s time to start talking about your goals. It’s been said that “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” So, let’s dream a little. What do you want your life to look like in 4 years from now? Where to you want to be financially? Relationally? Physically? Emotionally?
In 4 years, I want to be:
TIP! - It’s important to set goals throughout your journey in this business. Studies show that goal setters are far more likely to accomplish their goals than non-goal setters. In order to set and reach goals you will want to write them down. This will give accountability and commitment. Here’s a goal setting TIP for you! As you set goals throughout your business journey, use this SMART Goal Guide:
(S) Specific - (M) Measureable - (A) Attainable - (R) Realistic - (T) Time Sensitive (give yourself a deadline!)


Copyright Erin Rodgers