Use Your Oils
Start using the products! You need to be a product of the product. People will buy YOU. YOU are what they will buy. Your stories. Your testimonies. You need to have personal experiences and stories in order to be able to share. It is NOT necessary to memorize every property of every oil. It is not necessary to know about each chemical constituent and therapeutic property, place of origin... nope. I don't know half of those! What I DO know is my story. I know what they have done for me. And THAT is what I share. So... it's important to try new products every month. It's important to follow protocols. Take your supplements. Drink your Ningxia. Live the Young Living lifestyle and be a living product of the product.

Use them. Use them. Use them! If you don't use the product, you won't have these testimonies we're talking about. Use them. Every day. All day. In your house. In public. Everywhere.

Today we are focusing on our daily routine of using oils. Now… I know many of you may only be using a drop of oil here or there, but when I started really intentionally using our oils, that’s when the true CHANGE of health & wellness really started happening. Opening those bottles consistently is what turned us around the corner to a healthier lifestyle. YES we also made other changes like eating better and cleaning our environment (less candles, more diffusing; less toxic stuff, more Thieves Cleaner, etc). But let’s start with this. 


Woah there, that’s a lot of oil.

Eeeeeeehhhh… not really. Lemme walk you through a normal day of oil usage for many of us…

+ I get up and after my shower I put on my skincare stuff (Bloom Cleanser, Bloom Brightening Essence, Bloom Lotion) and I add a drop or two of Elemi or Frankincense with the Bloom Lotion and rub into my face. (2 drops)

+ 3-4 drops of Progessence Plus on wrists or inner thighs (3 drops)

+ 3-4 drops under my tongue of Endoflex (3 drops)

+ Emotional oils topically on my wrists and neck // usually JOY (for SURE), Awaken, White Angelica, Hope, Valor, Harmony… one or two of these oils, a couple drops each. (4 drops)

+ NingXia time! I love adding oils to NingXia Red… something Citrus like orange or lemon or lime (2 drops)

+ Morning Capsule, usually the pollen trio (3d each of Lemon, Peppermint, Lavender, and add some Grapefruit to boost weight loss) add 2 drops of Frankincense too (10-14 drops)

+ If I need a pick me up in the afternoon or get a headache or something, I might do 1-2 drops of Peppermint under my tongue (sublingual). (1 drop)

+ If I’m out at Target and feeling iffy, or someone around me is sick, or I’m in a public place and people are grossing me out, 1-2 drops Thieves under my tongue (1 drop)

///////// Okay so I’m already at a minimum of 26 drops and I haven’t even started my nightly routine!!

+ How about Lavender + Cedarwood on my neck and feet before bed!

+ And a couple drops of Thieves right on the bottoms of my feet! Oh crud, and I forgot Thieves in my capsule, duhhh!! Of course I do that!

+ Frankincense under my tongue for any popup stress.

+ And my Valor roller throughout the day!

+ And my StressAway in my purse for when I’m feeling overwhelmed.

+ And the Lemon in my water.

+ And the Endoflex roller I keep in my bag to use on my thyroid if I need it.

+ lotttttsa Joy throughout the day.

+ And oils I use on the kids that I’m touching & benefitting from as I apply to them!

+ If I need some clarity of thought, I love to apply a few drops to the crown of my head or my temples… that could be Peppermint, Frankincense, Brain Power, even kids Genyus!

😍Gosh by the time I’ve done all of that, I’m still only using a couple drops at a time, but the uses are ENDLESS! I could easily be using double those 25 drops! 😍

Notice NONE of this includes diffusing. I want us to focus on using our oils personally this month! I love to diffuse all day, but there’s something amazing that happens when we continue to grab those bottles throughout the day. Keep doing that!!

Challenge yourself - how many ways can you use your oils and Young Living Products in a day?
your turn
WOAH. That's a lot of information about using your oils!! If you want to learn more about ways to use oils, grab the Simple Uses booklet for hundreds of ways to use them. From DIY recipes to individual oils, there's so much to learn and we've got resources for you.

Now, start keeping track of your daily usage AND the stories you want to share!


Copyright Erin Rodgers