Oils Work Hand-in-Hand
So as we apply the oils (and this is another part that is very exciting), those of you who have witnessed the Raindrop therapy have seen a tremendous amount of evidence on how people recover after Raindrop therapy. Why? Because the oils go into the spinal column and they digest the chemicals in the receptor sites to open that up for nerve transmission. Along the spinal column happens to be one of the largest accumulation of receptor sites (nerve receptors) and that is why Raindrop therapy works so specifically, so when you clean that up, the oils get in there and start stimulating the nerve transmission and it is very, very important.
When you put the oils with pregnenolone, then it carries the pregnenolone into the cell structure to start the cell rejuvenation. It is win, win, win and balance, balance, balance. It has been so exciting watching and reading the essays from the people who have been using Regenolone and who have been using Prenolone.
When I created Regenolone last year I did it because of a back injury. Some of you are aware that I entered a contest last fall and I blew a disk out from lifting weights, so when I learned that pregnenolone rejuvenated nerve tissue, that is when I made Regenolone (which is a pregnenolone cream with oils) for my disk. It was so effective that I named it Regenolone and we introduced it to Young Living. Last spring I started working with a few distributors when I was doing meetings on the side and after class. Some people I would see had severe nerve degeneration, so I would use the prenolone cream, but I would add the essential oils of Lemongrass and Peppermint to it and we got greater response and nerve regeneration. Regenolone is best used for arthritic conditions, rheumatic conditions, and myelin deterioration.
D. Gary Young 2000
The vagal nerve is one of the 12 cranial nerves. The branches of the vagal nerve innervate (to supply body parts with nerves) many body parts related to symptoms of Autism. It roughly starts an inch behind the hairline, follows the path of the cartoid artery in the neck, goes under the collar bone, through the chest cavity and ends near the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it affects hearing, taste, breathing, heart, digestion and elimination (just to list a few).
Nerves are encased in a protective sheath called myelin. Myelin can be damaged by metals and toxins. Imagine toxins being worms that eat holes in leaves. When there is a hole in the myelin sheath, the nerve is exposed and vulnerable. Each hole in the nerve causes the nerve to send wrong messages to body parts. This means that an Autistic child can have symptoms regarding sensory issues with their eyes, ears and taste buds. They may have reactions to food that appear to be food allergies. They may have chronic diarrhea or constipation.
The basic building blocks to regenerate the myelin sheath are B spectrum vitamins, magnesium, and the hormone pregnenolone.
On page 21 of Dr. Gary Young’s book, Pregnenolone: A Radical New Approach to Health, Longevity, and Emotional Well-Being, he writes, “Pregnenolone is unusual in that it both promotes tissue repair and nerve regeneration while also reducing inflammation (Guth et al., 1993)
“Of all the hormones in the body, the precursor hormone, pregnenolone, may be the most⁷ important for health and longevity.”— D. Gary Young
You can find pregnenolone in a cream called Regenolone Moisturizing Cream. A dab is all it takes. Since the closest place to access the vagal nerve is at the top of the neck, put a small amount right where the top of neck stops at the hairline and smooth it in just like a lotion. An adult would use a pea-size amount so adjust the amount accordingly for a smaller-sized body. Start with twice a day and monitor improvement.
Give the body time to heal. Nerves take a bit longer to regenerate. If you are already taking B Spectrum Vitamins and Minerals, then add a Pregnenolone Cream. If you are not doing anything yet for the nerves, you will need all three to regenerate nerves. You can just take Regenolone Moisturizing Cream by itself to regenerate nerves. Sensory, digestive and elimination issues will reverse when the holes in the myelin sheath of the vagal nerve heal.
It is safe for males and females to take Regenolone cream because pregnenolone is found in both males and females. It is the master hormone that the body makes lower sex hormones from.