Tips for Personal Growth
- Let go of the fear that you’re taking money from your friends when they buy a bundle or products. YL IS PAYING YOU!!!!! They are paying you for promoting the brand and they’re paying you from the company, it’s not coming from your friend’s wallet.

- Belief does not come from success, success comes from belief. BELIEVE that it can & will happen for you if you work hard enough. If you don’t believe in yourself & the products, how do you expect other people to? Guys, we are SO lucky to have products that actually work and can transfer to a healthy lifestyle. These are products we all depend on to live better and healthier lives, and everyone deserves to have them in their homes.

- Who you surround yourself with is who you become. Hang out with people who support your dream & are positive, not negative all the time & make you feel bad about yourself or your dreams.

- People will judge you no matter what you do. LITERALLY ANYTHING. It doesn’t matter.

- Personal growth matters the most in the business. You may be a rockstar enroller, but you have to learn to grow as a leader to help your team grow to their fullest potential.

- Has your life changed from this business? This is your chance to share it with others. You HAVE to share it with other people so they can see the same success as you! It’s selfish not to.

- If you have negative beliefs about this business, you will not succeed. Work through your blocks so you can share successfully. If you are stuck at a rank, you have to crush your comfort zone.

- What are your passions besides oils? Are you a baker or a great cook? Artist? Knitter? Invite people over to learn something else, and sprinkle in oils. (have your diffuser on, oils all over, peppermint brownies, etc.) They will notice & ask!!

- Don’t be a bummer on social media. A huge part of this business is attracting others and having them trust you to help them. You don’t want to be the negative person that no one wants to hang out with. Be positive & honest, and make people want to be your BFF.

- Trade your expectations for appreciation. Don’t beat yourself up when you don’t reach that goal OGV or rank. Be thankful for the journey, your growth (or maybe you missed your rank, work harder next month!) and your paycheck, even if it’s just paying for your oils right now. You can only fail if you quit.

- It doesn’t matter if you sign up 100 people - if you don’t invest in them, they probably won’t order again. Get to know their pain points & HELP THEM. Connect with them. Share what’s worked for you, or research things that can help them. Don’t fall off the face of the earth. Check in with them a lot. The best customers are ones you already have!!!!

- When something goes wrong, find the positive. If someone comes to you because their order is messed up, don’t bash YL!!! Handle it for them and go above & beyond to fix it for them. Have amazing customer service. Send them an oil or roller or some other freebie. Assure them everything is going to be OKAY & you’re sorry they had a bad experience. Hop on chat or the phone for them. They are coming to you for a reason…fix it, & they will forget!

- Don’t copy people before you. Look to them to see what works and make it work FOR YOU. Be genuine. You can’t be another person! Be yourself.

- Take care of yourself & invest in growth and self care. You can’t give what you don’t have.

- Time is only a concept. Oh, Cindy hit RCD in 1 month? SO what. Don’t give up. It doesn’t mean you can’t get there in 10 years if you want to! It literally doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t give up. There’s room on the stage for all of us!

- Find your why & never let it go.

- Listen to the little voice in your head. It’s probably right, but your fears are crushing it. Find your comfort zone and tell it to eff off.

- Set goals or you’ll WASTE TIME. If you don’t set tangible (& crazy) goals, you’ll work all day and get nothing done. Even if you don’t reach them, goals set out the path for you to go above and beyond your dreams.

- Take the responsibility of changing lives. It’s big. It’s like…really, really big. It’s knowing that someone could feel the same excitement you do about oils improving their lives but needing help along the way, & texting you at all hours. Be there for them & help them find the answers they need.

- Realize that sharing & helping others is MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR FEAR.This is huge. Think about it. You want to help your BFF have a more healthy lifestyle, but you’re scared to talk about it in front of them? THAT’S more important. It’s more important than your fear. Just do it. You will NOT regret it. Your fear can be crushed. This is growing. It will get easier.

- Think of YL of a lifestyle. Someones not into oils - cool! Maybe they’ve been DYING to have non toxic cleaners in their home - bring up the Thieves kit. Big on supplements? We have them, too! Need an energy boost? NingXiaaaa! There’s literally something for everyone. Don’t give up on people. If you’re talking to them, they probably need your help. Everyone has a pain point.

- Say yes and figure it out. Your friend wants to host a party for all her friends about ningxia & chemical free cleaning & wants you to teach it? Know nothing about it? Cool! Figure it out Teach it. Fake it till you make it. Be confident. Trust me, no one knows you don’t know.

- Learn a new oil or product for a week & teach it to everyone you know! Literally learn EVERYTHING about it and you will never forget - by the end of the year, you will know 56 new oils & products!

- Don’t be afraid to not know it all - you don’t have to! Be honest & research, research, research, help everyone you know & never give up!

(list written by RCD Annie Hauser)

your turn
What stood out to you from the list above? 

If you're struggling with your belief - trusting that YOU CAN DO THIS, I highly recommend you listen to the Belief Plan podcast from Kristen Boss. Click here.Click here


Copyright Erin Miles