I am going to quickly take you back to high school chemistry...Acidity and Alkalanity are measured using the PH scale. pH stands for “Potential Hydrogen” and is the measurement of resistance, indicating the speed of digestion and creation of energy. pH is measured on a scale from 0-14; 0 being highly acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is the most alkaline (or “basic”).
These foundational lifestyles choices that affect pH:
- Nutrition
- Hydration
- Movement
- Sleep
- Elimination
- Stress/Emotional Wellness
(SIDENOTE... I'll be doing some deep education on all six of these soon, so hold tight!)
So, how do I Know the Acidity or pH of MY Body?
Simple! Test your pH using a color coded pH indicator paper or test strips that you can purchase - I prefer this set, which I use personally (https://amzn.to/2QvAh6D) and cost less than $10 for 200 strips. It’s best to test both upper digestion (saliva) and lower digestion (urine) for the best indication of your body’s health. Saliva pH provides information on carbohydrate breakdown, B12 and K2 deficiencies, HCl levels of the stomach, and upper digestion transit time.
Urine pH provides information on the assimilation of nutrients in the small intestine, large intestine congestion, and reproductive health.
Place some of your saliva in a spoon and test it using the strip AND urinate on another strip. This will give you a reading of both the upper and lower digestive systems. Do not eat, drink or brush your teeth up to 30 minutes prior to testing!
Okay! So now let’s talk about how to interpret these numbers. It probably seems strange, but you’ll want to write them down as a fraction like this: 6.5 / 6/2 (you always put urine over saliva… I knowwwwww you’d think it’s upper/lower but flip it for me. It’s just how it’s done!) Like: 6.4 (urine) / 6.4 (saliva)
Optimal is 6.4/6.4 and is written as Urine/Saliva. Since pH represents transit time, the goal is to have the same pH reading for both saliva and urine so that upper and lower digestion move at the same rate. At the optimal 6.4/6.4, the greatest rate of mineral absorption is possible. If the pH is different between the urine and saliva reading, the upper and lower digestive organs are “running at two different speeds”. The larger the difference, the more energy is lost from the inefficient digestive process. The larger the split the less nutrients are being digested, absorbed, and assimilated for use in the body.
// PATTERN ONE // 6.4/6.4 or Optimal
Yay!! Your body is in the best possible range for nutrient assimilation and elimination of waste! Your upper and lower digestion are running at the same speed, which means you're experiencing minimal to no energy loss during digestion
A lot of people like to keep Alkalime on hand to have to use when needed - eat something spicy and can feel the burn? That’s a perfect time to mix some up! But if your pH is in optimal range consistently, you don’t need to take it daily.
// PATTERN TWO // Alkaline/Alkaline or High/High
This is a very common presentation where both upper and lower digestion are running slow. The body becomes incredibly toxic as waste is reabsorbed into the bloodstream -- many people exhibit constipation (tho may not always be a chronic problem). Also, lymphatic congestion can be present (skin issues, sinus issues, swelling of extremities). Altogether, this creates an excellent habitat for candida, parasites, and bacterial overgrowth.
Physically, you can tend to hold excess weight with this pattern. There are possible complexion issues around the colon area of the face map (around the mouth). Women may also have a heavy menses and possible cramping.
Okay so what do we DO about it??? First, recognize that your body needs more acidic food, but protein digestion is compromised so you’ve got to give it a leg up. You need to support your digestive enzymes and gallbladder (connected to the liver, which is congested in this pattern… hold tight we have the PERFECT oil for this one too!) Probiotics are recommended to combat disturbed intestinal microflora. Enzymes including HCl & pancreatic enzymes are helpful at start of meals to break down food & help with digestion.
Additionally, colon cleanses, colonics, and enemas are beneficial. Lymphatic support such as movement, rebounding, dry brushing, and supplements to increase lymphatic drainage
- Oils recommended: GLF (that one stands for Gallbladder Liver Flush), DiGize, Lemon
- Sulfurzyme POWDER // this is an amazing supplement (don’t worry, we’ll deep dive into this one too!) But for today, Sulfurzyme Powder has an ingredient called FOS, which is a PREbiotic. You’ve heard of PRObiotics as being healthy gut flora/good bacteria. Well, PREbiotics feed that good bacteria. FOS is an excellent source to improve gut health, and improved gut health = an improved immune system. Additionally, the methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in Sulfurzyme is an amazing detoxing agent. Gonna shoot you straight: we ALL need MSM in our systems daily. This is one of my fav supplements!
- Enzymes (daily use of Essentialzyme and/or Allerzyme) - Enzymes are necessary to break down our food and for our bodies to perform millions of daily activities.
- Life 9 Probiotic - soooo crucial for our gut microbiome!
- Alkalime is recommended for ALL patterns outside normal because of how it assists digestion. In theory this would be one you would use primarily for raising your body’s alkalinity - but truly drinking a balanced beverage (fortified with digestive oils!) is a huge step to getting things in check. For me, this is #1. The other supplements and oils are in addition to this!
// PATTERN THREE // Acidic/Alkaline or Low/High
If you find yourself with these numbers, it means upper body digestion is running slow while lower body digestion is running fast. Basically, your food is sitting in the stomach too long. Clients with this presentation can expect bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort. You may even have a distended abdomen, as things are just holding in place and causing this kind of dysfunction. You’re likely tired and might even have some joint & muscle pain or structural injuries due to the lack of amino acids in your body.
Lower digestion is moving very fast which results in low absorption and assimilation of nutrients due to fast transit time. Your bowel movements may be regular, but what they are eliminating is days old (gross test: sesame seed or beets are easy to watch for to determine transit time! Eww! But helpful!) Alkaline saliva can indicate a need for vitamin C.Heartburn and regurgitation is common due to the inability of the stomach to properly digest food and move it into the lower digestive tract.
- AminoWise // get those amino acids in!! Your body needs the help and this source of BCAAs is a great addition to your daily routine. Often plugged as perfect for those who are working out, it’s also for any of us who are depleted in amino acids!
- Alkalime // for real it's gonna show up everyday 🙂 Get that gut balanced!!
- Super C - a high quality, bioavailable C vitamin is crucial!
- Enzymes (daily use of Essentialzyme and/or Allerzyme)
- Sulfurzyme Powder
// PATTERN FOUR // Alkaline/Acidic or High/Low
When your Upper body digestion is running too fast while lower body digestion is running too slow. This leads to fast stomach digestion but slow bowel digestion, which creates a “log-jam” resulting in indigestion, heartburn, and regurgitation. Acidic saliva can indicate a need for B12 and D3 and anemia is commonly seen with this pattern. Smokers and coffee drinkers tend to be acidic.
Common issues can include, low blood oxygen levels that can result in breathing issues, blood pressure issues and fragile blood vessels are also common. Leg cramps are common due to low calcium and other minerals, also aching bones and extremities are typical. You’ll notice a variation in stool consistency as the pressure builds up within the lower digestive system, often resulting in alternating constipation and diarrhea, which is a classic symptom of IBS.
- Life 9 Probiotics
- Alkalime // for real it's gonna show up everyday 🙂 Get that gut balanced!!
- Master Formula // an excellent multivitamin and source of iron. If you need additional iron, you can also add in Mineral Essence
- Enzymes (daily use of Essentialzyme and/or Allerzyme)
- Super B
- MultiGreens // a nutritious chlorophyll formula designed to boost vitality by working with the glandular, nervous, and circulatory systems.
- OmegaGize // combines the power of three core daily supplements-omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10
- MegaCal // a wonderful source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C. MegaCal supports normal bone and vascular health, as well as normal nerve function
- Avoid strenuous exercise during this pattern
// PATTERN FIVE // Acidic/Acidic or Low/Low
This is also known as “The Stress Pattern.” Extreme physical or emotional stress can lead to this pattern. It means that both the upper and lower digestion are moving too fast. We’re talking increased inflammation in the digestive tract, malnourishment occurs as the transit time increases to the point where nutrients are not digested, absorbed, or assimilated appropriately and your body depletes reserve energy, minerals, and other nutrients. You may often appear nervous, moody, and may have nervous fidgeting. Anxiety is typical, along with depression with this pattern as will as large intestine issues such as colitis, IBS, Crohn’s, lower abdominal. The body liberates minerals from the bones and teeth in an attempt to buffer the pH so you might find yourself with chipped teeth for no apparent reason. You’re really going to want to support the kidneys, bladder, and cardiovascular system as they may suffer damage from this state. This pattern has been associated with early menopause and deficiencies in vitamin D, iron, B12, and potassium are common.
So what should you do about it? First off, as difficult as it may seem, you must remove the stressors! Stressors can be anything from food, such as dairy or gluten, it can be your home/work/life environment. It may be emotional - if you need help, don’t be ashamed to ask for it. You are going to want to support your digestion and reduce inflammation - and inflammatory foods.
- Life 9 Probiotics
- Master Formula AND Mineral Essence
- MegaCal
- Enzymes (daily use of Essentialzyme and/or Allerzyme)
- AgilEase // this product includes turmeric which is great for inflammation
- Ningxia Red // this drink is high in antioxidants and will help to support your overall health and your gut
- Cortistop // this will help to support your adrenals
- Alkalime // hahaha you know I was going to say it, right? 🙂 Get that gut balanced!!
- You’re probably going to want to go to your doctor to check for and address deficiencies such as B12, D3, minerals, or B complex.You can also consume manganese-rich foods, such as mussels, pineapple, spinach, and pine nuts. Plus, eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and other alkalizing foods. You may temporarily need to refrain from meat consumption, eliminate acidic foods that speed up digestion, plus you’ll want to be sure to drink distilled water with Lemon Essential Oil every morning.
- In order to maintain optimal pH, the foundational recommendations must be followed.
- Nutrition, hydration, movement, sleep, elimination, and stress management
- Use Alkalime to help your body achieve and maintain optimal pH.
- Your pH will move more quickly with Alkalime vs only lifestyle choices.
- As your lifestyle choices and digestive health improve, there will be less need for daily supplementation.
- Support the healing process with cleanses, supplemental nutrition, and oils.
Once the foundations are in place and the pH is optimal, the internal terrain becomes a healthier environment where probiotics flourish and nutrients are absorbed and assimilated.
6.4/6.4 is optimal for a healthy microbiome but an uncomfortable environment for candida, parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens.
The pH patterns are indicative of the progress of healing, they are not diagnostic. Remember there is more to pH than just the physical. You want to grab some emotional support oils, such as Valor, Frank, or Stress Away and address your stress and emotions.
Your pH is likely to bounce back and forth; keep following the stages! You can watch the pH track backwards, towards Pattern One. First correct the foundations and address digestion speed through pH balancing. Once the foundations are in place and the pH is optimal, the internal terrain becomes a healthier environment where probiotics flourish and nutrients are absorbed and assimilated. THIS is the end goal! REMEMBER, a pH of 6.4/6.4 is optimal for a healthy microbiome BUT an uncomfortable environment for candida, parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens - this is sooooo awesome.